Every day…

It’s quiet on the street. Everyone’s inside their homes defending it from everything that tries to interrupt there controlled existence. Inside it’s nice and comfortable. Nothing unexpected, the news and the commercials on television telling you how scared you must be for almost everything.

The next day you wake up. “Is it safe to go outside? It ma be to could or to windy for my sensitive skin. O no, what if there are terrorists at the train”.

But anyway, you have to may your way to our job so you step out of your bed and start to think “what next. Should I first wash or brush my teeth after breakfast”.

Finally you made it in to your car not realising the many dangers you’re confronted with during the trip to work. The only thin you can think of is getting there in time despite of the traffic jams.

Eleven o’clock. After a morning of work you start to stare out of the window. And once in a thousand, maybe a million days, you start to wonder why you chose this job. Was it really because you like the work or was it about the money?

Finally it’s lunchtime. “Only 4 ours to go before a can go home!”.

You boring, lousy, obeying, f…